Pickled Watermelon with a Mayonnaise of Codium Blue



  • Watermelon
  • Codium Blue
  • Codium Blue liquid
  • Shiso Purple Vinegar
  • Salty Fingers
  • Oyster Leaves
  • Algae Powder Emerald
  • Sansho Leaves
  • Codium Blue Mayonnaise (recipe)
  • Sesame Oil
  • Roasted sesame
  • Wasabi
  • Red onion
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar
  • Puffed rice


  • Infuse the watermelon with Codium Blue liquid, Shiso Purple Vinegar and a pinch of wasabi.
  • Poke rounds out of the Oyster Leaves (save the rest).
  • Cut thin rings from the red onion and make it sweet and sour with vinegar and sugar.
  • Make a dressing with Codium Blue liquid, Shiso Purple Vinegar, wasabi and sesame oil.
  • Make a crumble of puffed rice, roasted sesame and Algae Powder Emerald.
  • Top the plate with the infused watermelon, Codium Blue mayonnaise, sweet and sour onion, Salty Fingers, Oyster Leaves, Codium Blue, leaves of Sansho Leaves and BlinQ Blossom.
  • Sprinkle the crumble over and around the infused watermelon.
  • Pour the dressing between the dish and serve.

Tip: save the remains of the Oyster Leaves to make an oil from them later.

Recipe: Eric Miete 

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