Watermelon Lobster
Ingredients and method
- Lobster
- Beet
- Watermelon
- Zallotti Blossom
- Basil Cress
- Codium Blue
- Zallotti Blossom Pearls
- Sugar
- Vinegar
- Ice cold water
- Risotto
- Slice watermelon and cut rounds from it with a cutter
- Make sugar water (ratio 1/1)
- Make sweet and sour with vinegar and ice cold sugar water (ratio 1/1)
- Infuse the watermelon 2 times in sweet and sour in the vacuum machine
- Make the risotto
- Cut beet into small and large rounds
- Smoke the beet
- Cook the lobster and portion
- Lightly roast the pickled watermelon
- Make an oil of Basil Cress by heating grapeseed oil, adding Basil Cress and finely turning it in the thermomixer
- Make a bisque by stretching in the lobster shells and fill with oil of Basil Cress
- Use a round shape to place the risotto on the plate
- Top this with the round shape of watermelon, beet and cut lobster
- Finish with shallot, Codium Blue, Basil Cress, florets of Zallotti Blossom and Zallotti Blossom Pearls
- Pour the dressing around the dish and serve
Recipe: Eric Miete

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