Clear Bloody Codium



  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Tomato (for clear tomato juice)
  • Motti Cress
  • Vegetable stock
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Codium Blue
  • Codium Blue liquid
  • Feather Tops
  • Tabasco
  • 15 ml vodka
  • 5 ml lemon juice
  • Lemon peel
  • Codium Blue Oil (recipe)


  • Infuse Codium Blue in vodka.
  • Mash the tomatoes in the blender along with liquid from the Codium Blue and vegetable stock.
  • Let this hang out overnight in a pass or cheesecloth until you get clear tomato juice.
  • Infuse cherry tomatoes with the liquid from the Codium Blue, Shiso Purple Vinegar and tabasco.
  • Cut the lemon peel into thin strips.
  • Place ice in the cocktail glass.
  • Add 15 ml vodka, 5 ml lemon juice, tabasco and worchestershire sauce to taste.
  • Pour 45 ml clear tomato juice on top.
  • Place the edible garnish (the infused tomato, a strip of lemon peel, Motti Cress, Codium Blue and Feather Tops) in the glass.
  • Drizzle 1 teaspoon of Codium Blue oil into the cocktail and serve immediately.

Recipe: Eric Miete 

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