Sardines till you see green

Ingredients and method


  • Sardines
  • Fennel
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • Feather Tops
  • Zorri Cress
  • Kaffir Lime Leaves
  • Sansho Leaves
  • Hippo Tops
  • Lime
  • Grape seed oil
  • Maldon salt


  • Stew fennel and cut into small cubes
  • Cut lime into thin strips
  • Make sweet and sour with vinegar and sugar water (ratio 1/1)
  • Soak diced fennel in sweet and sour sauce
  • Separate the lime slices from the fennel and let them soak in pickles as well
  • Make a soup of Hippo Tops, Kaffir Lime Leaves, Sansho Leaves and fennel
  • Make an oil from the seeds of Zorri Cress and pickled lime with the hand blender.
  • Cut the fillets of the sardines into fillets and portion into appropriate portions,
  • Spread with the Zorri Cress oil and roast the sardines until properly cooked
  • Place 2 pieces of sardines on top of each other
  • Pour the soup on the plate
  • Place the pickled fennel cubes, Feather Tops and Zorri Cress on top of the sardine and some maldon salt
  • Drizzle oil around the dish

Recipe: Eric Miete

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