Vanilla Ice Cream Codium Blue



  • 5 g Codium Blue
  • 600 g vanilla ice cream
  • Crumble
  • Codium Blue Choco Dark (recipe)
  • Powder of Codium Blue (recipe)


  • Chop the Codium Blue into small pieces.
  • Add it to the vanilla ice cream.
  • Place the ice cream in the container for the paco jet.
  • Run the ice cream with Codium Blue for 2 rounds in the paco jet.
  • Top the plate with crumble.
  • Turn a quenelle of the Codium Blue ice cream.
  • Place the Codium Blue with the layer of chocolate on top.
  • Sprinkle powdered Codium Blue over the top.
  • Serve.


  • Both with desserts and starters in combination with vegetables, fish, meat, fruit and mushrooms.

Recipe: Eric Miete 

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