Corso Koninkje
Ingredients and method
Cake base
- According to baker's recipe
Vanilla Bavoise
- 1 litre whipped cream
- 6 grams Vanilla Planifolia Black
- 200 grams of neutral stock
- 200 grams of water
These ingredients add up to 40 cakes.
Lemon curd
- 100 gr. egg
- 200 gr. sugar
- 125 gr. butter
- 130 gr. water/sugar water
- 15 gr. Limon Cress
- 1 gr. salt
- About 5 grams per pastry
These ingredients together is for about 100 cakes.
Method lemon curd
- Combine all ingredients, except the Limon Cress, in a pan.
- Bring the ingredients gently to the boil in the pan. Note: keep stirring!
- Let the mixture boil gently until it is a smooth substance.
- Pour the lemon curd over into a bowl and leave to cool.
- When the lemon curd has cooled, add the Limon Cress to the mixture and blend until smooth with a blender or hand blender.
- Put the lemon curd in a piping bag.
- Pipe +/- 5 grams of lemon curd into each pastry.
- Natural
Rosette of cream
- Buttercream
- White chocolate with logo
Recipe: Jaco Nieuwkerk - Bakkerij Scholtes

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