The Basque Culinary Center will become the new lab of flavours for Koppert Cress in Spain.
During the gastronomic event ‘EuroGastro’ in Poland, Koppert Cress received the prestigious Innovation Prize for the products Sakura® Mix, Shiso® Mix and Salty Fingers®.
Monday March 25 Koppert Cress, in cooperation with the Friesland College organised a Tweetjam with the motto "It Giet Oân" in the main hall of the college in Leeuwarden (The Netherlands).
Spring is in the air and everywhere plants and flowers are popping up where, just a while ago, there was no sign of life.
FRUIT LOGISTICA is the leading international meeting place of the fresh produce trade.
A milestone, the Koppert Cress Facebook Community ( has 2000 fans.
Peruvian cuisine is currently on the rise internationally.
Koppert Cress wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
On December 3, Koppert Cress and Gastronomixs jointly organized the sixth edition of the Tweetjam.
Monday November 19, a Sake master class was held at the Koppert Cress Cressperience in Monster, offered to Rob Baan by mr Yoshinori Kuroda, owner of Honest John Japan.
Starting September 26, three new specialties have been added to the Koppert Cress assortment. Grenotti Leaves®, Grenotti Blossom® and Tearicy Roots® have flavours that will do very well in the fall season.
The Oyster Experience is a combination of two existing specialties: Oyster Leaves and Salty Fingers, which together created a nearly perfect vegetarian oyster experience.