Touch of Frisian flavour ads new perspective to Tweetjam
Monday March 25 Koppert Cress, in cooperation with the Friesland College organised a Tweetjam with the motto "It Giet Oân" in the main hall of the college in Leeuwarden (The Netherlands).
Monday March 25 Koppert Cress, in cooperation with the Friesland College organised a Tweetjam with the motto "It Giet Oân" in the main hall of the college in Leeuwarden (The Netherlands). "Stimulating to see the synergy that grows between upcoming talents, experienced chefs and the suppliers in this Frisian environment.", said Eric Miete, Koppert Cress cresscoach.
After a brief introduction, the chefs were divided into groups. In order to stimulate corporation, inspiration and exchange of knowledge, two experienced chefs were teamed up with young Frisian talents. The result was a number of exciting dishes, with the typical local ingredient such as fish, ‘biest’ sausage, cheese and peas to ad a Frisian touch.
People who were interested, but had no opportunity to be present did not need to worry. Food reporter did a live report on the event and introduced chefs and sponsors. It turned out that, with 3200 unique viewers and a large number of students at the location, the event was a success.
In a time, when the number of tweeters and tweets is growing by the minute, is becomes increasingly difficult tot get an item - #tweetjam7 - on the Twitter trending topic list. The firm online interaction between followers and people present on the location, however, resulted in a proud 10th place of the last hour and a 20th position of the last four hours and 33rd position of the last 24 hours.
Tweetjam is a new way of interactive communication with an interested audience. This Koppert Cress initiative is support every time by a number of varying prestigious supplier of the gastronomy. By means of social media, such as Twitter and Facebook and modern techniques as live (live video via internet), it is possible to capture the interest of the younger generation of gastronomic professionals and set up a lively dialogue. All results can be found on the Koppert Cress website and de various social media.
Tweetjam 7 was made possible with the support of the Friesland College, which was hosting the event. Participants were abele to generously make use of the products provided by the sponsors. Vegetables from Bud Holland, Water buffalo meat from Buffalo Farm Twente, Van der Werf Shii-Takes, delicatessen from House of Taste, special bread from Desem Enzo and Bakkerij Lenes, special herbs from Cuimed, cress and specialities from Koppert Cress, dairy products from Friesland Campina, fish from Veltman Vis, Wagyu meat from Vermaning Horeca, Waldpyk cheeses, Weidenaar sausages and delicious peas from Piet Hoekstra. Throughout and after the event, Martis Wijnen served a good glass of wine to everyone present.
More information is available on the special tweetjam page: www.tweetjam.nu
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