REPORT - Cressperience stage for Unique Sake Master Class
Category: Hospitality & Gastronomy
Monday November 19, a Sake master class was held at the Koppert Cress Cressperience in Monster, offered to Rob Baan by mr Yoshinori Kuroda, owner of Honest John Japan.
Monday November 19, a Sake master class was held at the Koppert Cress Cressperience in Monster, offered to Rob Baan by mr Yoshinori Kuroda, owner of Honest John Japan. For this event two Sake master had been specially flown in from Japan. After an introduction by Rob Baan, Sake master Ad Blankenstijn, who has been living in Japan for nearly thirty years, got the floor fro a clear presentation of the meaning of sake.
The 40 participants, all gastronomic professionals, were able to taste and judge 12 different Sakes. The selection from Kobe Dhusinkan Breweries and Daischichi Sake Brewery, was offered by the Dutch importer Vinites b.v. After the tasting the chefs joined in a jam session in the Cressperience kitchen, where they were able to use the fresh produce, made available by Rungis, Schmidt Zeevis, Ruig Wild & Gevogelte, van Drie Groep, Maitre Cuisine, Bussing Broodspecialiteiten en Koppert Cress.
The challenge was to create a dish, that combines really well with Sake. The jury, with master chef Luc Kusters, of Restaurant Bolenius in Amsterdam, Wiegert Roelvink of Vinites and both Sake masters had the difficult task to rate the pristine dishes and sake combinations. Winners of the day were Abel van den Burgh from ‘Kookstation Oostvoorne’, en Gert van Strien of ‘Delta Centrum’ in Poortugaal. The response of all the contestants was unanimously positive. Koppert Cress, in cooperation with the Dutch Koksgilde, managed to organize a unique event. This start of a new initiative, called ‘Gilde on Tour’ for sure will have a sequel.
During the event, Michiel van de Spek made photos of the dishes and activities, which were send out in various tweets. Below a small selection of some of the delightful creations. The entire photo shoot is on our Facebook-page.
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