Vinaigrette of Shiso Purple, Gastronomixs

A delicious vinaigrette based on the purple Shiso variant. This one has a delicious taste with notes of cumin.

Ingredients for 615 grams

  • 25 g Shiso Purple
  • 60 g yuzu, juice
  • 60 g rice vinegar
  • 20 g soy sauce
  • 10 g mustard
  • 30 g sesame oil
  • 330 g sunflower oil
  • 80 g shallot, finely chopped


  • Place all ingredients, except the shallot, together in a measuring cup and blend with an immersion blender until the Shiso Purple is finely incorporated.
  • Now, mix in the shallot and cool the dressing.
  • Always stir the dressing well before serving, as it may separate.

Serving suggestions

  • Delicious in a dish with components of duck, beetroot and daikon radish.
  • Combines well with components of spring onion, cucumber and red pepper.
  • Perfect with artichoke, lemon and coriander.

Link to component

Recipe: Gastronomixs

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