Planifolia Vanilla Panna Cotta with Yka Leaves Glaze, Sansho Leaves Macerated Fruits
Ingredients for 4 portions
Ingredients for the Panna Cotta
- 250ml double cream
- 150ml milk
- 60g sugar
- 1 Planifolia Vanilla pod seeds
- 4 leaves of gelatine
Ingredients for the Yka Leaves glaze
- 100g sugar
- 200g water
- 10g Yka Leaves
- 3 leaves of gelatine
Ingredients for the Sansho Leaves poached fruit
- 200g sugar
- 100g water
- 3g Sansho Leaves
- Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, red and white currents
Method for the Panna Cotta
- Warm the cream and milk with the vanilla and sugar until the sugar has dissolved
- Soak the gelatine in cold water until softened then squeeze out and stir into the cream mix until melted
- Pour into moulds and then leave to set in the freezer. Remove from mould
Method for the Yka Leaves glaze
- Warm the sugar and water until the sugar has dissolved add the Yka Leaves until at allow to sit until the liquid has turned a vibrant pink then remove the leaves and melt in the gelatine and cool to blood temp
- Place the panna cotta on a cooling rack over a tray then pour the glaze over each one until coated evenly then set again in the fridge
Method for the Sansho Leaves poached fruit
- Place the sugar and the sansho leaves into a grinder and blitz to a fine powder
- Place into a pan and dilute with the water and warm until sugar has dissolved
To plate - Once the panna cotta has been place into a bowl plate decorate the fruit around and pour over the stock syrup and garnish with the Sansho Leaves
Recipe: Steve Walpole

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