Fig Cheesecake with Syrup of Shiso and Mustard Seed

Ingredients and method

Ingredients for 5 cheesecakes

  • 50 gr sponge cake
  • 40 gr butter
  • 130 gr cream cheese
  • 40 gr granulated sugar
  • 2 gr vanilla sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 30 gr sour cream
  • Pinch of salt

Ingredients syrup

  • Mustard seed
  • 50 ml Shiso Purple Vinegar
  • 150 gr soft sugar
  • 100 ml water

Ingredients tuile

  • 50 gr butter (melted)
  • 50 gr wheat flour
  • 50 gr egg white
  • 50 gr powdered sugar

Remaining ingredients

  • Cream cheese
  • Candied figs
  • Shiso Purple
  • Scarlet Cress
  • Mustard Cress


  • Melt butter, grind cookies, mix with butter to form dough.
  • Place greaseproof paper in muffin pan, fill with 15 g cookie dough, press flat with a glass.
  • Beat cream cheese, add sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, eggs and sour cream, mix well.
  • Pour cream cheese mixture into cupcake papers, bake 18-25 minutes at 150°C.
  • Then let it come to room temperature before putting it in the refrigerator (±2 hours).
  • Cover and store in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours
  • Make tuille from the wheat flour, egg whites, powdered sugar and butter
  • Bake these at 150 degrees
  • Make a syrup of sugar, water, Shiso Purple Vinegar and mustard seed
  • Soak the candied figs in the syrup
  • Place cheesecake on plate
  • Place candied fig in a round shape on the cheesecake
  • Place quenelle of cream cheese, tuille and cresses on top of dish
  • Drizzle the syrup around the dish and serve

Recipe: Eric Miete

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