Tomato salad
(For 4 people)
• 500 g Cherry Tomato mix
• 100 g Basil Cress
• half a tray of Motti Cress
• 30 g soya sauce
• 20 ml olive oil
• 50 g honey
• 10 ml Shiso Purple vinegar
• 50 g butter
• 50 g plain flour
• 50 g cream cheese
• 100 g cream
• 5 g pepper
• 5 g salt
Mix the soya sauce, honey, olive oil, and Shiso Purple vinegar to make a dressing.
Loosen the skin from the tomatoes and pull the skin upwards over the crown.
Crumble of Basil Cress:
Place the Basil Cress and the butter in a kitchen chopper and pulse to a fine mixture. Mix with the flour, and then spread out the mixture and dry for 15 minutes at 170 °C in the oven.
Cheese cream:
Mix the cream and the cream cheese in a pan and while stirring heat until the mix until it becomes a homogeneous mass.
Place a circle of the cheese cream on a plate and sprinkle the crumble on top.
Arrange the tomatoes on top. Make a tomato sponge cake with 100 g extra flour, 2 eggs, and 50 g tomato powder. Mix the sponge ingredients together, place in a soda syphon with two gas cartridges. Pipe out some of the mixture into a plastic container, in put in the microwave (750 W) for one minute. Then crumble the tomato sponge cake and place between the tomatoes. Dress the tomatoes with the dressing and sprinkle the Motti Cress on top.
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