Braised Carrot with a Cream of Ginger and Sereh

Ingredients and method


  • 2 kinds of carrot
  • Ginger
  • Sereh
  • Puffed Rice (Sosa)
  • Kaffir lime leaves
  • Cardamom Leaves
  • Ghoa Cress
  • Cream
  • White Wine
  • Sereh
  • Kaffir lime leaves


  • Stew the carrot.
  • Make a cream of carrot with ginger, sereh, Kaffir Lime Leaves and Cardamom Leaves.
  • Make a mixture of puffed rice, Kaffir Lime Leaves powder and Willja Grain Mix Organic and fry briefly.
  • Cut thin slices of two kinds of carrot.
  • Make a sauce of beurre blanc with ginger, sereh and Kaffir Lime Leaves.
  • Pipe a line of the cream of carrot on the plate.
  • Place above this the stewed carrot.
  • Place the slices of two colors of carrot alternately on top of the braised carrot.
  • Pipe dots of the cream of carrot on the slices.
  • Finish with Ghoa Cress and the mix of puffed rice and grains.
  • Pour the sauce of beurre blanc with ginger, sereh and Kaffir Lime Leaves around the dish and serve.

Recipe: Eric Miete

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