- 5cl Scotch Whiskey (or Bourbon)
- 3cl lime juice
- 20cl Ginger ale
- 1 Sechuan Buttons, crumbled
- 1 Kaffir Lime Leaves
- Kaffir Lime Leaves powder
- crushed ice
- Fill a 1/3 of a copper mule mug with crushed ice, add lime juice, whiskey and a crumbled Sechuan Buttons (keep a little for decoration). Stir well with mixing spoon.
- Fill with crushed ice and top up with ginger ale.
- Sprinkle with Kaffir Lime Leave powder and the rest of the Sechuan Buttons, add an extra Kaffir Lime Leaves for decoration.
Pairing: Roast chicken croquette with red pepper coulis and Affilla Cress.
Recipe: Lisette Dawtrey

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