Apple, Black Tea and Smoked Vanilla
Ingredients and method
Apple slice
- Elstar apple
- Lemon juice
- Cut from almost half of an apple
- Using a mandolin, make very thin slices of this
- Place these slices, tile by tile, on a plastic sheet
- Brush lightly with lemon juice and cut out with a 6-cm sampler
Caramelized apple
- Elstar apple
- Vioblock
- White caster sugar
- Caramelize the caster sugar to a golden brown caramel
- Pour the caramel into a silicone mat up to 4 mm thick
- Place a lump of vioblock on top, covering half of it
- Peel the apples and cut them almost in half
- Cut out a piece of apple as big as your silicone mat
- Place in a 170 degree oven for about 20 minutes
- Cool as quickly as possible
Black tea ice cream
- 700 grams Flora 31%
- 2000 grams Soy milk
- Black tea
- 70 grams Invert sugar, paste
- 420 grams Crystal sugar
- 105 grams of Dextrose
- 175 grams Inulin
- 21 grams Binder hot, for ice cream
- Heat the flora with the soy milk and invert sugar to 40 degrees
- Infuse the black tea in this for about 30 minutes
- Mix the granulated sugar with the dextrose, inulin and binder
- Now strain out the black tea
- Add the dry ingredients to the hot flora and milk and heat through to 85 degrees
- Cool the ice cream mix back to 4 degrees as quickly as possible and let it ripen for at least 6 hours
- Turn into ice cream
Smoked vanilla sauce
- 1 Vanilla pod Planifolia Black
- Apple peel
- Water
- Fire up the Big Green Egg to 140 degrees.
- Add smoking wood and smoke the vanilla on it
- Meanwhile, put the apple peels under water
- Slowly bring this to a boil and add the vanilla
- Let it simmer until fully cooked
- Strain without damaging the peels
Apple sorbet
- 1000 grams of apple juice
- 625 grams of apple puree
- 299 grams of granulated sugar
- 13 grams Invert sugar
- 78 grams Dextrose
- 130 grams of Maltodextrin
- 340 grams of water
- 10 grams Binding agent cold, for ice cream
- 5 grams Emulsifier paste
- Heat the water with the apple juice to 40ºCelsius
- Mix the sugars with the binder
- Add the sugars to the warm liquid
- Cool the mixture back to 4ºCelsius and let it ripen for at least 5 hours
- Now add the apple puree, emulsifier paste and cinnamon mix
- Mix with the turbo mixer and turn to ice cream. Pipe into the molds
Extra needed
- Silcon apple molds
- Aclla Cress
- Serving
- Colored cocoa butters
- Dried vanilla pod Planifolia Black
- Place the apple slice in the center of the plate
- Place on top the apple sorbet and caramelized apple
- Quenelle the black tea ice cream and place a dried vanilla pod on top
- Decorate with the Aclla Cress
Recipe: Hidde de Brabander

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