White Wonder World
Ingredients and method
Ingredients ‘hete bliksem*’
- 500 gr potatoes (Bildstar)
- 200 gr dry potato mass
- 150 gr green apple puree
- 150 gr oat milk
- 50 gr pickled apple
- 25 gr Bolenius spice oil
- 3 gr salt
Ingredients fried oyster mushrooms
- 1000 gr oyster mushrooms, torn into thin strips
- 100 gr sunflower oil
- 200 gr shallot base
- xantana
Ingredients shallot base
- 500 gr shallots
- 200 gr natural vinegar
- 10 gr salt
- 100 gr sunflower oil
- 200 gr pickled apple
Ingredients buckwheat crisps
- 50 gr dried buckwheat
- Sunflower oil
- Some salt if necessary
- Other ingredients
- Pumpkin seed oil
- 1 Granny smith apple
- Morar Shoots, Sweet Lov, Sweet Peeper, Talpa Shoots and Feather Tops. (As many white vegetables as possible)
Method hot lightning
- Peel the potatoes.
- Cut into quarters and rinse off excess starch.
- Cook until tender and drain. Allow to steam dry. Press through a fine sieve.
- Using a hand blender, blend all ingredients except the dry potato mixture until smooth and bring to a boil.
- Slowly add the apple oat milk mixture to your potato mass and make a smooth puree with a pan drier.
Method fried oyster mushrooms
- Sauté the shallots with some salt until completely glazy in 100 gr of sunflower oil.
- Deglaze with the vinegar and reduce completely.
- Add the water and continue cooking until you have a final product of 500 gr.
- Turn this mass smooth in the blender and add the xantana and pickled
Recipe: Luc Kusters
*Hete bliksem is a traditional Dutch meal consisting of mashed potatoes, apples, and bacon. The name of the dish means hot lightning, referring to the fact that mashed apples keep mashed potatoes hot for a longer period of time, so the higher temperature can cause the burning of one's palate.
Recipes vary from one cook to another, but hete bliksem remains a favorite side dish of numerous Dutch families.

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