Veal sweetbread with vanilla from the konro grill, Gastronomixs
Ingredients for 1 kilogram
- 1 kg sweetbreads
- 1 l buttermilk
- 60 g salt
- 1 l water
- 50 ml extra virgin olive oil
- 5 g salt
- Planifolia Black Vanilla
- as needed olive oil
- Cut the Planifolia Black Vanilla pods in half lengthwise and use the vanilla seeds for another preparation.
- Place the pods in a dehydrator at 50°C for at least 4 hours.
- Store them in an airtight container.
- Rinse the sweetbreads until the water runs clear.
- Make a solution of buttermilk, 60 grams of salt and water.
- Place the veal sweetbreads in this mixture and refrigerate for 12 hours.
- Heat the sous vide to 75°C.
- Then rinse the sweetbreads again until the water runs clear.
- Place in a vacuum bag with the olive oil and 5 grams of salt and vacuum seal.
- Cook sous vide for 1 hour and 5 minutes and cool back on ice water.
- Remove the membranes from the sweetbreads and portion them if desired.
- Use a steel skewer to thread through the sweetbreads with half a vanilla pod.
- Store in the fridge until serving.
- Prepare during service on a hot part of the konro grill until nice and golden brown and crispy.
- Before serving, remove the steel skewer, and the vanilla pod if necessary. This has now infused the sweetbread nicely.
Serving suggestions
- Delicious in a dish with Jerusalem artichoke, porcini mushroom, and potato components.
- Perfect with truffle, onion, and salsify.
- Combines well with celeriac, shiitake, and soy sauce.
Recept: Gastronomixs

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