Tartlet of Raspberry with White Chocolate, Vanilla and Shiso Bicolor

Ingredients and method

Ingredients for 5 servings

Ingredients cakes

  • 50 gr sponge cake
  • 40 gr butter
  • 130 gr cream cheese
  • 40 gr granulated sugar
  • 2 gr vanilla sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 30 gr sour cream
  • Pinch of salt
  • Raspberries

Ingredients mousse

  • 100 gr white chocolate Callebaut
  • 1 egg white
  • 250 ml cream
  • Planifolia Black Vanilla powder
  • Raspberry coulis

Ingredients coulis

  • 150 gr raspberry
  • 100 gr redcurrant
  • 50 gr granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp water

Remaining ingredients

  • 40 raspberries
  • White chocolate Callebaut
  • Shiso Bicolor


Cheesecake method

  • Melt the butter and grind the cookies.
  • Mix the ground cookies with the melted butter to form a firm dough.
  • Place greaseproof paper in a muffin pan and fill each pan with 15 grams of the cookie dough.
  • Press the dough flat with the bottom of a glass.
  • Dry the raspberries and mix them into a fine powder.
  • Beat the cream cheese until fluffy and add the sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, eggs, raspberry powder and cream. Mix everything together well.
  • Pour the cream cheese mixture into cupcake pans.
  • Bake the cheesecakes for 18-25 minutes at 150°C.
  • Let the cheesecakes cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for about 2 hours.
  • Cover the cheesecakes and let them continue to set in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

Method mousse

  • Prepare a white chocolate mousse by whipping white chocolate, egg whites, cream and vanilla powder.
  • Fill the raspberries with the white chocolate and vanilla mousse.
  • Divide the rest of the white chocolate mousse into two parts.
  • Add raspberry puree to one part to make a raspberry mousse.

Method coulis

  • Put the raspberries, currants, sugar and water in a saucepan.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer gently over medium-high heat for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and press the fruit puree through a sieve.
  • Collect the coulis in a small bowl and let it cool for 30 minutes.

White chocolate crumble method

  • Bake the white chocolate for 10 minutes at 160°C on a silicone mat.
  • Let the chocolate cool and grind in a mixer to make a crumble.

Method formatting

  • Place a cheesecake on the plate.
  • Arrange the stuffed raspberries around and on top of the cheesecake.
  • Pipe dots of the coulis between the raspberries.
  • Finish the dish with fresh Shiso Bicolor, the white chocolate crumble and the raspberry mousse.

Recipe: Eric Miete

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