Risotto with Glazed Chestnut and Carrot

Ingredients and method

Chestnut gel ingredients

  • 2 sheets of gelatin
  • 2 tbsp cold water
  • 2 cups corn syrup
  • Handful of chestnuts


  • Carrot
  • Risotto
  • Willja Cereal Mix Organic
  • Oil
  • Lupin Cress
  • Sweet Peeper
  • Tahoon Cress


  • Make risotto
  • Cut thin slices from carrot
  • Make a gel with chestnut, gelatin leaves, cold water and corn syrup.
  • Boil half of chestnuts and roast the other half.
  • Saute and glaze the chestnuts.
  • Use a round mold to place the risotto on the plate.
  • On top, place the carrot slices, the Willja Grain Mix Organic and the glazed and sauteed chestnut.
  • Pour an oil of Tahoon Cress around the dish.
  • Finish the dish with Lupine Cress and Sweet Peeper.

Recipe: Eric Miete

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