Orata con insalata Cress Costa d'Amalfi

Ingredients and method

Ingredients for 4 persons

  • 10 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 orate or 4 sea bream fillets
  • 500 g cherry tomatoes
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Tahoon Cress
  • 1 Salty Finger
  • 1 Talpa Shoots
  • 1 Feather Tops
  • 1 Adji Cress
  • 1 Borage Cress
  • 1 Basil Cress


  • Prepare the sea bream.
  • Make a mixture of Tahoon Cress, Talpa Shoots, Feather Tops, Adji Cress, Borage Cress, and Basil Cress and set aside.
  • Halve the cherry tomatoes and set aside for later use.
  • Heat extra virgin olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat and fry the sea bream until cooked and golden brown.
  • Remove the sea bream from the pan and set aside.
  • Add the halved cherry tomatoes and Salty Fingers to the pan and fry briefly until the tomatoes are soft.
  • Grate lemon zest over the pan and stir everything well to blend the flavors.
  • Place the fried tomatoes and Salty Fingers on a plate as a base.
  • Carefully place the fried sea bream on top of the tomatoes and Salty Fingers.
  • Garnish the dish with the mix of cress and white vegetables for a fresh, colorful finish.

Cooking technique: frying pan

Recipe: Giovanni Don Anselmo D'Apice

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