Honey lacquered rhubarb on the BBQ

Honey lacquered rhubarb on the BBQ. Speculaas crumble, olive ice cream and Honny Cress.


(For 4 portions)

  • 2 rhubarb sticks
  • 2 ripe pear of your choice
  • 2 gingerbread cookies
  • 4 scoops of olive ice cream Iluigi
  • 2 tablespoons of honey of your choice
  • cup of Honny Cress 
  • olive oil Iluigi



  • Peel the rhubarb and cut into 12 equal pieces of about 8 cm.
  • Coat them with the honey using a brush.
  • Grill them on a low heat on the BBQ until they are almost done.
  • Place 3 pieces per plate.

To finish off:

  • Serve lukewarm or cold.
  • Place a scoop of olive ice cream on each plate and crumble the speculaas over it.
  • Finish with the Honny Cress.

Recipe: Frank Fol - The Vegetables Chef®
Photo: Wim Demessemaekers, Photographer | @wim_dmskrs

Preparation time: 25 minutes 
Techniques: fruits
Plate: Wild Grey Bowl

Wild Cooking E-Book

Frank Fol – The Vegetables Chef®


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