Yka Leaves ice cream, pineapple and candy floss
(For 10 to 12 portions)
Special equipment:
- Plastic bags for candy floss
- Silica gel
- Medium semi-sphere mould
- Small semi-sphere mould
- Candy floss machine
- Long wooden skewers
For the pineapple and Sechuan Buttons syrup:
- 1 fresh medium-sized pineapple
- 3 punnets Honny Cress
- 1 punnet Sechuan Buttons
- 350g caster sugar
- 2 punnets Yka Leaves
For the frozen lemon curd (inside the ball of ice cream):
- 3 eggs
- 100g caster sugar
- juice from 2 lemons
- zest from 2 lemons
- 50g butter
- 50g honey
- 2 egg whites
For the Yka Leaves ice cream:
- 200ml Yka Leaves syrup
- 4 egg yolks
- 40g caster sugar
- 60g blackcurrant puree
- 2 egg whites
For the sweet glossy noodles and pink peppercorn crumbs:
- 150g Vietnamese rice paper (fine)
- 20g pink peppercorn
- 60g caster sugar
For candy floss:
- Caster or granulated sugar
For the pineapple and Sechuan Buttons syrup:
- Slice finely the pineapple and lay straight on the plate.
- Make the Sechuan Buttons sugar by blitzing the sugar with the Sechuan Buttons. Use the Sechuan sugar to make a 50/50 syrup.
- Dry 1/3 of the Yka Leaves; keep the rest to make syrup.
Method for the frozen lemon curd:
- Mix eggs, butter and sugar, add lemon zest and juice.
- Cook au bain-marie and mix until the curd is thick.
- Cool down and fold with the "egg white".
- Fill the small semi-sphere mould and freeze straight away.
For the Yka Leaves ice cream:
- Make a crème anglaise. Cool down and fold in the egg whites.
- Fill 1/2 of the semi-sphere mould with the ice cream.
- Insert the frozen Limon curd into the other 1/2 of the semi-sphere and freeze.
- Make the ice balls and reserve in the freezer.
For the sweet glossy noodles and pink peppercorn crumbs:
- Mix the rice paper in the nutria bullet, place in a sieve and fry.
- Drain and dry on a tissue paper.
- Add the caster sugar and the pink peppercorn dust.
- Keep in an airtight container with silica gel.
Method for candy floss:
- Build the plate as shown on the picture.
Recipe: Franck Pontais

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