Crémeux of Ghoa Cress, Gastronomixs

A delicious crémeux with the surprisingly soft taste of coriander and citrus with coconut. Perfect for summer desserts.

Ingredients for 1430 grams

  • 215 g egg yolk
  • 160 g sugar
  • 635 g whipping cream
  • 360 g coconut coulis
  • 90 g lime coulis
  • 10 g lime leaves
  • 60 g Ghoa Cress
  • 18 g gelatin leaves, soaked in cold water


  • Whisk the egg yolk and sugar together until white in a planetary mixer. 
  • Heat the cream, lime leaf, coconut, and lime coulis, and let it infuse for 20 minutes. 
  • Dissolve the soaked gelatin in the heated cream mixture. 
  • Now, place the Ghoa Cress and the cream mixture in a thermoblender and blend at full speed for 1 minute. 
  • Pass the mixture through a fine sieve. 
  • Add the cream mixture to the egg yolk base and quickly but carefully mix it together to form a smooth crémeux. 
  • Pour the crémeux into a mold, or for a pipeable crémeux, into a suitable container. 
  • If you opt for a pipeable crémeux:
  • Cool the mixture completely.
  • Stir the mixture with a whisk until it reaches a creamy consistency once it's fully gelled.
  • Store it in a piping bag in the refrigerator. 
  • If you choose a molded crémeux:
  • Freeze the mold with the crémeux, preferably in a shock freezer.
  • Unmold and store it in the freezer.
  • Remove the crémeux from the freezer and allow it to thaw before use.

Serving suggestions

  • Delicious in a dessert with components of pineapple, coconut and passion fruit. 
  • Combines well with components of green apple, shiso and mango. 
  • Perfect with white chocolate, yuzu and cashew nut.

Link to component

Recipe: Gastronomixs

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