Bulb on Lobster

Ingredients and method


  • Leek
  • Lobster
  • Daikon Cress
  • Kaffir Lime Leaves
  • Codium Blue
  • Lime
  • Sugar
  • Ice cold water
  • Grape seed oil
  • Apple
  • Kohlrabi
  • Shallot
  • Savoy cabbage
  • Rice vinegar
  • Vinegar


  • Cut lime peel into small thin strips
  • Make sweet and sour with vinegar and sugar water (ratio 1/1)
  • Soak the sliced lime in sweet and sour
  • Make an oil from Kaffir Lime Leaves by heating grapeseed oil, adding Kaffir Lime Leaves and finely whirling it in the thermomixer
  • Boil the lobster in a court bouillon and clean it.
  • Make a bisque with the shells of the lobster
  • Mix mayonnaise with the bisque to make a nice flavorful mayonase
  • Blanch leek leaves Cut thin strings of leeks
  • Cut coarse julienne of kohlrabi and stew briefly
  • Tie bunches of kohlrabi and Daikon Cress with the strands of leeks
  • Make half a ball of half lobster tail in plastic
  • Cut julienne of apple, kohlrabi and shallot
  • Fill a leaf of savoy cabbage with the sliced lobster, apple, kohlrabi and shallot
  • Cut a thin round out of kohlrabi
  • Make a dressing of pickled lime, Kaffir Lime Leaves oil and rice vinegar
  • Place the stuffed savoy cabbage leaf on the plate
  • Place on top of this the round of kohlrabi, the lobster and the bunch of Daikon Cress
  • Pipe a dot of mayonnaise and place on top of the Codium Blue
  • Pour the dressing around the dish and serve

Recipe: Eric Miete

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