Vegan rice pudding and candied Kaffir Lime Leaves
(For 4 portions)
For the pudding:
- 6 leaves Kaffir Lime Leaves
- 16 pieces of Anise Blossom
- 1 punnet Ghoa Cress
- 150gr round pudding rice
- 600ml soya milk
- 80gr caster sugar
- 2 gr agar agar
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Kaffir Lime Leaves syrup and candied leaves:
- 6 leaves Kaffir Lime Leaves
- 200ml water
- 100gr caster sugar
For the pudding:
- Pour 500ml of milk and the rice in a small heavy saucepan.
- Add the caster sugar and the vinegar and cook slowly on a low to medium heat, stirring with a spoon from time to time to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
- Once the rice is close to be fully cooked, dilute the agar agar in the 100ml of milk left over and add it to the pan.
- Bring to boil for 2 minutes, turn off the heat and transfer the cooked rice into 4 pudding basins.
- Let set in a cool place for a minimum of one hour.
- Warm up in a Bain Marie, slide out the puddings from the mould and serve with Kaffir Lime Leaves syrup, candied leaves, Ghoa Cress and Anise Blossom.
Kaffir Lime Leaves syrup and candied leaves:
- Arrange the leaves on top of each other and cut some very fine julienne with a sharp knife.
- Place the juliennes of the Kaffir Lime Leaves into a pan and cover with 200ml of cold water.
- Bring to boil and let cook for 2 minutes.
- Add the caster sugar and reduce to a syrup consistency.
- Let the syrup cool down on its own.
- Using tweezers, remove half of the juliennes from the syrup and lay them on a tray, ready to place in a dehydrator machine for one hour.
- Once dried, set the “candied“ leaves aside until use.
Recipe: Franck Pontais

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