Beetroot Hummus with Zorri Cress Oil and Medley

Ingredients and method

Ingredients for 6 portions
Ingredients for Zorri Cress Oil

  • 6 punnets Zorri Cress
  • Approx 200g grapeseed or other neutral vegetable oil
  • Wellspent™ Moromi Eggshell Sea Salt or other seasoning for the Zorri pulp for assembly

Ingredients for Beetroot Hummus

  • 150g cooked beetroot
  • 200g chickpeas (drained, from a tin)
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 30g tahini paste
  • 20g olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic - crushed
  • 1g paprika
  • Wellspent™ Moromi Eggshell Sea Salt or other seasoning, to taste

Ingredients for Garnish

  • Bean Blossom
  • Zorri Cress
  • Floregano
  • Vene Cress
  • Affilla Cress Tendrills

Method for Zorri Cress oil

  • Place Zorri Cress in a blender and add some of the oil, blend until smooth, continue to add oil as it blends.
  • Place the puree in to coffee filters over jugs and let pass overnight.
  • Store both the clear green oil and the residual Zorri Cress puree until required.

Method for the Beetroot Hummus

  • Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until it becomes a paste. Adjust consistency if required with oil, it should however hold its shape. Check seasoning and adjust if required.

Method for assembly

  • Spread a round disc of the hummus on to a plate. Take a knife or small palette knife and swirl a spiral shape on it making sure the white plate shows through. Block off the end of the spiral so the oil doesn’t escape.
  • Season the Zorri Cress pulp and pipe blobs randomly on the hummus spiral.
  • Carefully pour the Zorri Cress oil in to the spiral shape.
  • Decorate the hummus with Zorri Cress leaves, Floregano, Bean Blossom, Vene Cress and tendrils of Affilla Cress. Serve.

Recipe: Shona Sutherland

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