BBQ pointed cabbage steak with radish sauce, cashew net, argan oil and Kyona Mustard Cress
(For 4 portions)
- 1 pointed cabbage
- 1 bone radishes
- 50 gr chopped cashew nuts
- cup of Kyona Mustard Cress
- smoked sea salt - Verstegen
- mace powder - Verstegen
- olive oil Iluigi
- arqan argan oil
- black pepper from the Verstegen mill
Radish sauce:
- We take 2/3 of the radishes without greens.
- Wash briefly and cut in half.
- Bring to the boil with half the water and a little smoked salt. When the radishes are done, we remove them from the cooking water and mix them with a dash of olive oil to make a nice pink sauce.
Oxheart cabbage:
- Wash the pointed cabbage and cut it in 4.
- Brush each piece with olive oil, season with smoked sea salt, black pepper and a little mace.
- We place these on a soft BBQ and color the cabbage on both sides. Then together on a tray and for another 10 minutes in an oven at 180°C.
- Cut radish bars with the remaining radishes.
To finish off:
- Place a warm piece of pointed cabbage on each plate. Spoon some radish sauce and finish with the radish bars, a radish leaf, the cashew nuts, a few drops of argan oil and some Kyona Mustard Cress.
Recipe: Frank Fol - The Vegetables Chef®
Photo: Wim Demessemaekers, Photographer | @wim_dmskrs
Preparation time: 25 minutes
Techniques: veggies
Plate: Wild Black Bowl

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