Tuna, Avocado, Shiso Leaves Green, Toast
(For 4 servings)
- 1 slice of tuna
- Slices of brioche bread
- 2 pieces of Shiso Leaves Green
- 1 large avocado
- 1 piece of lime
- 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
- 4 tablespoons of lime oil
- 2 tablespoons of butter
- 4 pieces of Moai Caviar
- 1 tray of Kyona Mustard Cress
- Using a hand blender, make a cream of the avocado, with the juice of lime, 1 tablespoon of lime oil and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce. Keep this in a piping bag
- Pat the tuna dry; mix 3 tablespoons of lime oil, one tablespoon of oil with lime juice and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and brush the tuna with a brush and store at room temperature
- Lightly sear the tuna with a gas burner and cut it into four equal pieces
- Cut the bread into four equal pieces, grease them lightly with butter and bake them dark brown and crispy.
- Pipe the avocado cream on the crispy toast, put half a Shiso Leaves Green on top, the tuna, the Moai Caviar and a sprig of Kyona Mustard Cress on top
- To consume, cut the dish into slices from top to bottom with a sharp knife.
- Serve this dish with a soy sauce sauce mixed with some chopped Kyona Mustard Cress and some lime juice.
Recipe: Eric Miete
Video: Tonijn Toast
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