Steamed pikeperch with kohlrabi, pear and Bicolor Mustard Cress
- 1 piece of pikeperch, dry aged
- Dried and ground Bicolor Mustard Mustard & Olympia Cress
- 1 pear
- ¼ horseradish
- 100 g yoghurt
- 200 g milk
- 1 kohlrabi
- 1 carrot
- herbs oil
- smoked sea salt
- Fillet the pikeperch, remove the skin and bones. Cut each fillet in half lengthwise. Salt well, grate a little lemon zest over it and then carefully dust the upper side with dried & ground cress. Roll up each fillet again and cool well. Portion and steam at 60°C for about 7-8 minutes (depending on thickness).
- Cut the pear into small balls using a Parisienne cutter. Juice the rest of the pear. Cook the pear Parisienne in the casserole with the pear juice and a little butter until soft.
- Mix milk, yoghurt, horseradish and pear juice and season with salt and lemon juice to a fresh, spicy sauce. Later, together with the mistard oil, this will become a nice, fresh split dressing.
- Cut the kohlrabi into thin rounds, salt and let stand for 10 minutes. Then mix with a little crème fraîche and the kohlrabi trimmings to form vegetable ravioli.
- Cut the rest of the kohlrabi into a fine brunoise, lightly sweat in butter and cook with cream until soft. Season with nutmeg and salt, and when serving, add fresh herbs such as chives, parsley and the kohlrabi leaf green. Arrange the cooked kohlrabi in the pickled carrots and garnish with Olympia & Mustard Cress.
Fish Fritters
- 30 g sugar
- 40 g flour
- 30g carrot juice
- 30g water
- 10g butter
- 1 egg
- Bicolor Mustard Cress
- Heat the butter, water, carrot juice and salt in a saucepan. Then add the flour and stir.
- Allow to cool slightly and stir in the egg until it forms a smooth mixture.
- Inject the mixture into a silicone fish mold and bake at 180°C for about 5 minutes. Then remove from the mold and place in a rounded mold and bake again for 2-3 minutes. Let cool in the mold.
- Now use a little kohlrabi puree to fix the Bicolor Mustard Cress on the fish biscuit, add a little salt and then arrange.
Recipe: Anne Kern

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