Cod, Langoustine & Sweet Peeper
- Cod fillet 4 servings of 110 g
- 4 langoustines
- 200 g sweet potato
- 20 g butter
- 2 sprigs of Sweet Peeper
- Samphire
- 80 g bundle mushrooms
- 500 g lobster carcasses
- ½ bulb of garlic
- 250g brunoise of carrot / leek / celery / celeriac
- 2 coarsely chopped onions
- 1 sprig of thyme
- 4 bay leaves
- 50 g of tomato paste
- 4 beefsteak tomatoes
- 1 dl white wine
- 1 dl Noilly Prat
- 0.5 dl red port
- 2 dl cream
- 25 g butter
- 1 lemon
Lobster sauce:
Crush the lobster carcasses. Fry them in a pan with olive oil, garlic, onions, thyme and bay leaves. When the carcasses smell good, add the tomatoes, tomato paste and brunoise.
Deglaze with Noilly Prat, white wine and red port. Boil so that the alcohol evaporates. Fill with water (the content of the pan should just be below the water). Let it steep for max. 1 hour and strain. Add the cream and reduce to the desired thickness. Just before serving, mix the butter into a foamy sauce. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
Sweet potato:
Peel the sweet potatoes. Cut into thin slices of 1 cm thick and cut out circles of 3 cm in diameter. Blanch them until done. Sprinkle olive oil.
Sweet mashed potatoes:
Vacuum the remains with butter, salt and pepper and steam until cooked at 100°C. Puree the sweet potato in a blender until a nice soft cream.
Marinate the cod fillet with oil, pepper and salt. Then fry the fillet on a plate. Start on the skin side for 3 minutes, turn the fish over and cook for another 3 minutes. The fish should be just cooked through.
Halve the Norway lobster, remove the intestines. Sprinkle with olive oil and salt. Grill the langoustines on a hot grill. Langoustines should be just cooked through.
Mix the bundle mushrooms with olive oil and salt. Burn them nicely brown with a gas burner.
To serve:
Start by putting the mash on the plates. Then the sweet potato rounds, the cod and then the langoustine tails. Use samphire as a garnish. Gently spoon the frothy lobster sauce onto the plate and garnish with Sweet Peeper.
Recipe: Edwin van den Heijkant - Bowery Restaurant - Hilton Schiphol
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