Delicious sweet potato from the oven with chickpeas, mozzarella and Atsina Cress
Source: Boost Your Health
Wow! Such a simple dish can be so tasty.
(For 1-2 persons)
- 1 large sweet potato
- extra virgin olive oil
- Moroccan herbs (you can also use your own herbs)
- 1 can of chickpeas
- 1 cup of Atsina® Cress
- little salt and pepper to taste
- 1 scoop of mozzarella
- Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Take a baking dish and cut the sweet potato in half and place it on the greased baking dish (this can be done with olive oil or coconut oil).
- Add some spices and salt and pepper to taste and a little bit of olive oil. Then put the chickpeas over it and put it in the oven for about 20 minutes.
- Take out the baking dish and cut the ball of mozzarella in small pieces and place it over the sweet potato and then put delicious Atsina® Cress over it and in the oven for another 5 min (until the mozzarella has melted).
- Remove the oven dish from the oven and place it on a plate and enjoy this delicious dish with some delicious fresh salad.
Source: Boost Your Health
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