Debone Lamb’s Tail With Vegetable Macaronis
Ingredients for 4 PaxLamb’s Tail:
• 12 Lamb’s tails
• 1 Onion
• 1 Carrot
• 250 cl white wine
• 1 Leek
• 1l Water
• 100 gr Cooked beetroot
• 100 gr Cooked leek (only the white part)
• 100 gr Cooked carrot
• 100 gr Cooked cauliflower
Ingredients For the Vegetables Purées:
• 100 gr Raw beetroot
• ½ Garlic clove
• 25 gr Iberian pork fat
• 100 gr Water
• 100 gr Leeks
• 50 gr Potatoes
• 100 gr Water
• 100 gr Carrot
• 100 gr Water
• 100 gr Cauliflower
• 100 gr Water
• 4 cleaned mustard leaves
• 1 cl soy sauce
• 1 cl forum vinegar
• 3 cl virgin olive oil
• Mustard Cress
Lamb’s Tail:
Sauté the vegetables, then put the rest of the ingredients and add some wine. Reduce, add half of the water and put the rest little by little. Let it cook for about 2 and a half hour. Put away from the fire and debone the lamb’s tail while they’re still hot. Roll the debone tails with plastic film, so they can go back to its original shape. Let it cool down completely.
For the Vegetable Macaronis:
Blend each of the vegetables separately in the thermomix, strain and spread on a silpat, making layers 0,1 cm thick. Let dry at 60ºC for an hour. Cut in rectangles 6cm x 4cm and roll on round moulds (diameter ½) and set aside.
Vegetable Purées Beetroot:
Melt the Iberian pork fat in a pan, add the garlic and fry, add the beetroot and sauté for some minutes. Add some water and let it cook for about 12 minutes. Blend, strain and set aside.
Cut the leek in half and grill on both sides. Put in water with the potato and simmer for around 18 minutes. Blend with the resource, strain and set aside.
Cut the carrots lengthwise and grill on both sides. Put in water and simmer for around 18 minutes. Blend with the resource, strain and set aside.
Cut the cauliflower in slices and grill on bothsides. Put in water and simmer for around 18 minutes. Blend with the resource, strain and set aside.
Cut finely the mustard leaves and add the restof the ingredients.PresentationPull out the film from the lamb’s tail; roll them inphyllo pastry (same length the tail but 2,5 timeswider). Cook in a pan. Fill up the macaronis with the vegetable puree,each puree with its same vegetable macaronilayer. In a long plate serve 2 macaronis, then lamb’stail and another 2 macaronis. Put some vinaigrette on top and some Mustard Cress.
Restaurante Akelare, San Sebastian - www.akelarre.net
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