Courgette flower, boiled egg and light mustard dressing
(For 4 portions)
- 2 punnets Motti Cress
- 1 Zallotti Blossom
- 8 courgette flowers
- 100gr marrowfat peas cuit
- 100gr plain yoghurt
- 4 eggs
- 1 drizzle vegetable oil
- 20gr soft unsalted butter
- 80gr mayonnaise
- 10gr mustard
- 2 tbsp cornflour
- 100ml water
- 4 fine bread wafers
- 1 pinch of fine sea salt
- 1 pinch of white ground pepper
- oil for frying
For the courgette flower and sauce:
- Slice the courgette, keeping it attached to the flower.
- Mix the cornflour and the water in a bowl with the salt and pepper.
- Dip each courgette flower into the cornflour mix and fry at medium temperature.
- To make the sauce, mix the mustard and half of the plain yogurt.
- Mix the other half of the yogurt with the cooked marrow fat peas.
For the eggs:
- Use 4 half sphere silicon moulds and brush them with the vegetable oil.
- Place the mould on top of boiling water (Bain Marie) and crack 1 egg in each sphere.
- Leave to cook covered until hard boiled and remove from the mould.
- Brush each cooked eggs with the soft butter and roll them into the freshly cut Motti Cress.
To serve:
- Divide the cooked marrow fat peas at the centre of each plate.
- Place the eggs on top of the marrow fat peas and arrange the fried courgette flower around.
- Serve with the fine bread wafer, the light mustard sauce and the Zallotti Blossom flowers.
Recipe: Franck Pontais

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