British Summer Pudding with Blackberries and Shiso Bicolor

Ingredients and method

Ingredients for 4 portions

  • 2 punnets Shiso Bicolor
  • 500 gr frozen mix summer fruit berries
  • 8 -10 slices white bread
  • 50 gr fresh blackberries
  • 40 gr caster sugar
  • Icing sugar - to dust


  • Allow the frozen mix berries to defrost slowly in a strainer above a bowl in order to collect the juice.
  • Slice off the crusts from the white bread, then use a round cutter to create circles for the top and bottom of the pudding, and stripes for sides.
  • Line 4 cm high rings or pudding mold with the cling film.
  • Dip quickly the bread pieces into the berry juice, ensuring they are well soaked and line the bottom and the sides of the pudding mold with it.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the summer fruit with caster sugar and one punnet of freshly cut and chopped Shiso Bicolor.
  • Spoon this mixture into the bread-lined mold, pressing down gently to compact it.
  • Cover the top with additional soaked bread round to seal the pudding.
  • Chill the pudding slightly pressed for at least 2-3 hours to set.
  • One set, place the pudding in the center of the plate or cut in half if you wish the see in the filling of the pudding.
  • Cut a few blackberries to put on top of the pudding and dust with some icing sugar.
  • Pour some of the berry juice around the plate and serve with the freshly cut Shiso Bicolor.

Recipe: Franck Pontais

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