Anise Blossom
Taste Mild anise
Usage Canapés, desserts (cold or ice)
Availability Year round
Storage Up to seven days at 2-4°C
Taste and Usage
Anise Blossom is an orange-yellow flower with a mild anise flavour. It combines very well with canapés, desserts and is a wonderful ingredient in cocktails.
The plant is native to Mexico and Central America and has been in use since Aztec times, both for religious and medical purposes. It is eaten as an herb and is commonly used as a substitute for tarragon. The leaves have a tarragon-like flavor, with hints of anise. In areas where it is native, the leaf is an important flavouring of ‘chocolatl’, an Aztec foaming cocoa-based drink. The dried leaves and flowering tops are steeped in hot water to make tea that is a popular drink in Latin America.
Bean Blossom
Taste Fresh bean flavour
Usage White fish, game, poultry, vegetarian dishes
Availability Year round
Storage Up to seven days at 2-4°C
Taste and Usage
Decorative purple flower with a crispy bite in the heart of the flower. Combines very well with summer dishes such as fish, scallops, veal, poultry, white meat with summer vegetables, dishes with fruity and/or spicy influences, and vegetarian meals.
Bean Blossom is the flower of a dual-purpose legume that is one of the most ancient crops among cultivated plants. Young immature pods are cooked and eaten like green beans. Young leaves are eaten raw in salads and older leaves are cooked like spinach. Flowers are eaten raw or steamed. It has been under cultivation in India since ancient times.
Sea Box
Taste A variety of salty flavours or those that combine well with them
Availability Year round
Storage Up to seven days at 2-4°C
Taste and Usage
The Sea Box is a collection of cress and specialties, selected for use in or with fish dishes, shell fish or scallops. The box contains six different products, which can be combined or used separately and have a fresh salty flavour, or go well with salty dishes: Borage Cress, Salicornia Cress, Rock Chives and the specialties Sea Fennel or Salty Fingers, Shiso Leaves Green and Oyster Leaves.
Sea Box was specially developed for fish shops, to meet the demands for availability and easy ordering. With the Sea Box, there is no more need to order large quantities, so one can always work with fresh produce.
Salty Fingers
Taste Salty, crispy, slightly bitter
Usage Fish, crustaceans / scallops
Availability Year round
Storage Up to seven days at 2-4°C
Taste and Usage
Salty Fingers is a decorative, but tasty ingredient. The crunchy texture and salty, slightly bitter taste are a valuable addition to the salty products. Especially with fish, but also with crustaceans or scallops, Salty Fingers is a surprising flavourful ingredient.
Salty Fingers is a plant growing along the coasts of tropical America and Asia. It is very salt tolerant, and surprisingly nutritious. It contains proteins, carbohydrates and oil. A number of species was therefore eaten as a vegetable by the local population.
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