Koppert Cress logo make over
Category: Sustainability
The Koppert Cress logo has had a make over and it will be used starting September 1st.
The Koppert Cress logo has had a make over and it will be used starting September 1st. The legal notification B.V. has been deleted and the text: Micro Vegetables has been replaced by Architecture Aromatique.
Due to the increasing international activities, it become clearer that the legal entity BV was more a burden than an asset, as it is only used in the Netherlands and Belgium. The current logo can now be used for all activities allowing for a more efficient exchange of information and materials.
Also the change from Micro Vegetables to Architecture Aromatique is a result of the developing activities of the company. The increasing importance of the specialties in the collection made this change inevitable. ‘Architecture Aromatique’, previously used as a pay off is a much clearer expression of the company’s philosophy.
Since the adaptation is crucial, but of marginal visual impact, we have decide to go for a gradual change. This means that you will be exposed to both versions of the logo for a while. On our packaging, only the red square with the white K is printed, which means that there is no change there.
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