Yellowtail kingfish turnip greens gooseberry

Ingredients and method


  • Yellowtail kingfish
  • Turnip greens
  • Cream of Codium Blue
  • Codium Blue
  • Radishes
  • Unripe green strawberries
  • Oil with juniper berries


  • Prepare turnip greens broth.
  • Slice 6-day dry-aged Yellowtail kingfish into 2 cm slices and sprinkle the side with seaweed powder.
  • Make a cream based on Codium Blue oil.
  • Prepare brunoise of turnip greens.
  • Using a cutter, cut small rounds from the leaves of the turnip greens.
  • Cook the green unripe strawberry in sweet-and-sour and cut into wedges.
  • Cut wafer-thin slices of radish.
  • Finally, make an oil with fresh juniper.


  • Dress the green broth in a nice deep round plate and place the Yellowtail kingfish slices in the centre.
  • Pipe some tufts of the Codium Blue cream on top of the fish.
  • Place the strawberry wedges on top of the cream and the brunoise of turnip greens.
  • Further garnish the dish with the radish slices and turnip greens leaves.
  • Add pieces of Codium Blue.
  • Finally, drizzle the oil with the juniper berries all around the dish.
  • Add some freshly ground pepper from dried juniper at the table.

Ingredients side dish

  • Belly of the yellowtail kingfish
  • Cream of Codium Blue
  • Zorri Cress
  • Codium Blue
  • Pepper from dried juniper berries
  • Cabbage seed flowers

Preparation of side dish

  • Grill the belly of the Yellowtail kingfish briefly on the Japanese grill.
  • Place it with fork on a separate plate.
  • Pipe some tufts of the Codium cream on the fish.
  • Garnish with rapeseed flowers and Zorri Cress.
  • Decorate dried branches of juniper around the plate.
  • Enjoy this beautiful dish!

Recipe: Yornie van Dijk

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