Tomato salad with crunchy nut almond and ham
- crunchy nut almond
- Natural sauce - basil
- Natural sauce - salsa brava
- rice crispies tomato
- Caviaroli drops -spheric olives
- breadsticks
- anchovies
- Basil Cress
- Vene Cress
- dried ham
- tomatoes
- oil
- Cut the tomatoes into uneven pieces.
- Mix the tomatoes with oil, pepper and salt.
- Finish with rice crispies tomato.
- Place the anchovies, Caviaroli drops - spheric olive and Vene Cress on a plate.
- Wrap the dried ham around the crunchy nut almond.
Source: https://www.rdfoodrevolution.com/nl/inspiratie/tomatensalade-met-crunchy-nut-almond-en-ham

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