Tomato and mackerel tartare
(For 4 servings)
- 1 fillet of mackerel
- 1 slice of brioche toast bread
- 1 lime lime juice / zest
- 4 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
- 6 tablespoons of garlic oil
- 1 tablespoon of pepper
- 1 small avocado
- 1 sprig of fine thyme
- 1 tablespoon of coarse sea salt
- 50 gr butter
- ½ cup of Affilla Cress
- ½ cup of Kyona Mustard Cress
- Pre-slice the tomatoes, cut them into quarters, remove the seeds and keep the seed / moisture and pulp separate.
- Finely chop the seeds / liquid of the tomato and thyme in a measuring cup with a hand blender and press it through a fine sieve.
- Mix the tomato juice with vinegar, two tablespoons of mild garlic and some pepper and salt with a whisk to form a gazpacho.
- Finely chop the mackerel and mix with two tablespoons of oil, lime juice / zest and some salt and pepper to form a tartare.
- Crush the avocado with half the lime and a little salt and keep it in a piping bag.
- Cut the tomato into small cubes and mix with two tablespoons of gazpacho to make a tomato tartare.
- Grease the slice of bread on both sides with butter, cut it into equal strips and fry it dark brown in a dry frying pan.
- Place a cutter on the plate and push the tomato tartare into it with a cocktail stick. Top with the mackerel tartare, three strips of toast and the avocado cream in between.
- As a tasteful decoration, stick in the sprigs of Kyona Mustard Cress and three sprigs of Affilla Cress for a nice bouncy look.
- Spoon around the gazpacho and the remaining garlic oil.
Recipe: Eric Miete
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