Shiso, Plum, Carrot & Ginger
Ingredients and method
Shiso Ice Cream
- 1 package Shiso Leaves Purple
- 500g Plum Juice
- ¼ Planifolia Black Vanilla
- 125g Shiso Sugar
- 125g Sugar
- 500g Cream
- 240g Egg Yolks
- Scrape out the vanilla pod and add the pulp to the plum juice.
- Boil the plum juice, shiso sugar, regular sugar and cream together. Pour the hot mixture over the egg yolks and whisk to thicken.
- Refrigerate overnight and the next day mix the Shiso Leaves and Shiso Bicolor sections into the ice cream mixture. Season again.
- Pour into a Pacojet beaker (or ice cream maker) and freeze.
Baked plum compote
- 1 kg plums, pitted
- 30 g brown sugar
- “scraped out” vanilla pod
- Shiso Bicolor sections
- 10 g ginger
- Chop the plums and marinate well with the remaining ingredients, except for the ginger, and let stand for 10 minutes.
- Bake in the oven at 180°C for 2 x 10 minutes, turning them after 10 minutes, until the plums are soft and lightly caramelized.
- Remove the vanilla pod. Drain the plums and reserve the “clear broth”. Vacuum the broth with the vanilla pod and a thumb-sized piece of ginger and leave to stand for a day.
- Blend the remaining plums with a little shiso to a fine puree and pour some into a mold.
Plum Mousse
- 250g plum puree
- 50g shiso sugar
- 125 g plum juice
- 125 g yoghurt,
- 250g whipped cream
- 4 sheets of gelatine
- Mix the plum puree with the yoghurt until smooth.
- Boil the plum juice with the shiso sugar, dissolve the soaked gelatine in it and mix with the yoghurt-plum mixture. Then fold in the cream (please make sure that the mixture is not too hot), pour into a container or mold and insert the frozen “plum core” into it and finish with the cut carrot sponge cake.
Carrot sponge cake
- 140 g sugar
- 140 g flour
- 100 g carrot puree
- 6 eggs, size M
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- Turmeric, ginger, lemon juice
- 1 tbsp. sunflower oil
- Beat eggs and sugar until frothy.
- Add the carrot puree, spices and oil. Now carefully fold in the sieved flour and spread about 1 cm thick on a silicone mat.
- Then bake at 180°C for about 10-12 minutes. Let cool, cut out and use to finish the mousse mold.
Pickled carrots
- 100 g sugar
- 100 g water
- 10 g ginger
- 2 pieces, star anise
- 50 g lemon juice
- Thinly slice the carrots (1-2 mm) and cut out small “flowers” using a small biscuit cutter. (Incidentally, the carrot puree for the sponge cake is made from the leftovers).
- Boil the sugar, water, ginger and star anise. When it has cooled, add the lemon juice.
- Put everything together in a jar (or vacuum-seal) and leave to stand overnight.
Recipe: Anne Kern

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