Borage emulsion, Gastronomixs

Borage Cress, also known as cucumber herb, provides a wonderfully fresh and powerful cucumber aroma. It is absolutely perfect for creating an emulsion.

Ingredients for 750 grams

  • 100 g Borage Cress
  • 30 g mustard
  • 25 g lime juice
  • 100 g egg white
  • 500 g grapeseed oil
  •  as needed lime juice
  •  as needed salt


  • Place the Borage Cress, mustard, lime juice, and egg white together in a measuring cup and blend with an immersion blender until it forms a smooth mixture.
  • Then, while continuing to blend with the immersion blender, slowly add the grapeseed oil in a thin stream to emulsify it, just like making mayonnaise.
  • Season with salt and, if desired, a little more lime juice to taste.
  • Pass the emulsion through a fine sieve and store it in a piping bag or squeeze bottle in the refrigerator.

Serving suggestions

  • Delicious with oyster, lemon and shallot. 
  • Combines well with components of sea bass, pink pepper and tomato. 
  • Perfect with feta, watermelon and gooseberry.

Link to component

Recipe: Gastronomixs

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