Shiso Leaves, Smoked Duck, Shiitake and Celeriac

Ingredients and method


  • Shiso Leaves Purple
  • Shiso Leaves Green
  • Hummus Leaves
  • Bicolor Mustard Cress
  • Rock Chives
  • Shiso Purple Vinegar
  • Kaffir Lime Leaves Oil
  • Mushrooms: beech mushroom (white and brown) and yellow carrot mushroom
  • Celeriac cream
  • Blanched chives
  • Duck


  • Soak the mushrooms in Kaffir Lime Leaves oil and Shiso Purple Vinegar.
  • Smoke the duck hot on the Big Green Egg and slice thinly.
  • Make a cream of celeriac with Rock Chives.
  • Fill the Shiso Leaves with the duck, mushrooms, Bicolor Mustard Cress and Hummus Leaves.
  • Fold the leaves closed and knot with chives
  • Spray cream of celeriac on a plate and use a spatula to make a swipe of the here.
  • Place the stuffed Shiso Leaves on the swipe of celeriac and serve.

Recipe: Eric Miete

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