Pop that Christmas Cherry, Festive Flavours
Ingredients and method
- 195 grams butter, 82% MV
- 95 grams powdered sugar
- 110 grams of almond meal
- 3 grams of fine salt
- 30 grams egg
- 190 grams patent flour, T55
- 20 grams cocoa powder, 23% CV
- Turn the almond meal with the powdered sugar and fine salt to powder
- Mix the powder with the softened butter and add the egg
- Meanwhile, double sift the patent flour with the cocoa powder
- Now add the flour mixture to the butter mixture to form a homogeneous dough
- Then roll out the dough to 2 millimeters and fonce the mold
- Freeze the mould and preheat the oven at 175ºCelsius
- Bake at 175ºCelsius in about 15 minutes
Cherry gel
- 450 grams cherry puree (sour cherries)
- 50 grams of water
- 50 grams granulated sugar
- 6 grams of agar
- Bring the cherry puree with the water to the boil
- Mix the granulated sugar and agar together and add to the mixture
- Boil the mixture for 3 minutes and then strain thinly
- After gelling turn into a gel
- 185 g dark chocolate - Ecuador 70.4%
- 300 g pâte à bombe
- 625 g whipped cream
- Melt the dark chocolate
- Whip the cream until fluffy
- Add 50 grams of whipped cream to the chocolate
- Stir well and now add the pâte
- Mix in the rest of the whipped cream
Pâte à bombe
- 175 g egg yolks
- 350 g granulated sugar
- 115 g water
- Beat the egg yolks until fluffy
- Boil the sugar with the water to 115 degrees Celsius
- Now add the sugar water to the fluffy egg yolks
- Beat cold
Crème Chiboust
- 1 piece Planifolia Black - Vanilla
- 200 grams whole milk, 3.5% mv
- 20 grams of wheat flour, t45
- 50 grams granulated sugar
- 40 grams of egg yolks
- 6 grams of gelatin, 205 bloom
- 150 grams granulated sugar
- 50 grams egg white
- Halve the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape out the vanilla marrow
- Bring the milk with the vanilla marrow to the boil
- Mix the flour with the sugar. Stir this mixture into the egg yolks
- Pour a little of the warm milk onto the egg yolks and stir well
- Pour the mixture back into the pan with the rest of the milk. Stir well and boil briefly
- Leave to cool in a covered area
- Soak the gelatin in cold water
- Beat the egg whites in a fat-free mixing bowl add the sugar little by little
- Beat into the egg white foam
- Stir in the pastry cream
- Melt the gelatin and mix into the crème patissiere
- Fold a little foam into the crème patissiere and stir. Then fold in the rest
- Fresh cherry
- Olympia Cress
Chef: Hidde de Brabander

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