Loving Berries

Ingredients and method


  • Raspberries
  • White chocolate
  • Gooseberries
  • 50 gr butter (melted)
  • 50 gr wheat flour
  • 50 gr egg white
  • 50 gr powdered sugar
  • 150 gr soft sugar
  • 100 ml water
  • Blackcurrants
  • Gelatin
  • Zallotti Blossom
  • Atsina Cress


  • Make a mouse of raspberry and Planifolia Black Vanilla
  • Bake the white chocolate at 160 degrees for 10 minutes on a silicone mat
  • Let cool and crush in the mixer
  • Make a syrup from Zallotti Blossom
  • Put the sugar and Zallotti Blossom in a coffee grinder
  • Blend for 20 seconds to mix well
  • Take 30 gr of the paste and add 100 ml of water in a pan
  • Stir it in the pan and bring to a boil
  • Make a marinade of gooseberries and syrup from Zallotti Blossom
  • Make a jelly from blackcurrant and Zallotti Blossom
  • Make tuille from the wheat flour, egg whites, powdered sugar and butter
  • Bake at 150 degrees
  • Pipe the mouse of raspberry on the plate
  • Fill the raspberries with marinade of gooseberries
  • Halve the gooseberries and place them along with the raspberries at the edge of the dessert
  • Add the white chocolate crumble
  • Pipe dots of blackcurrant jelly and Zallotti Blossom on the plate
  • Finish with flowers of Zallotti Blossom and Atsina Cress
  • Place the tuille on the dish and serve immediately

Recipe: Eric Miete

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