Green vegetable soup
- 3 punnets BroccoCress
- ¼ of a head broccoli
- 250gr celery
- 250gr potato
- 200gr leeks
- 250gr frozen peas
- 1L vegetable stock
- olive oil
- season to taste
- Peel and dice all vegetables except the broccoli.
- Cut the Broccoli into fleurettes and blanch in the vegetable stock, reserve.
- Place all the diced vegetables into a large saucepan with the frozen peas and 2 freshly cut punnets of BroccoCress.
- Pour the stock on top of the vegetables and cook covered and slowly for about one hour.
- Season to taste and serve with the broccoli fleurettes, the remaining BroccoCress and a drizzle of olive oil.
Recipe: Franck Pontais

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