Creamy foam sauce of oyster mushroom with Zorri Cress, Gastronomixs

A delightful recipe featuring fermented oyster mushrooms as the base. This provides refined acidity and a beautiful umami flavor. The Zorri Cress, the young leaves of the Nasturtium plant, adds a sophisticated peppery and almost horseradish-like taste.

Ingredients for 1300 grams

  • 1 kg oyster mushroom
  • 200 g water
  • 5 g salt
  • 10 pieces lemongrass, finely chopped
  • 200 g onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 5 g thyme
  • 20 g sunflower oil
  • 400 g milk
  • 600 g whipping cream
  • 60 g Zorri Cress
  • 35 g egg yolk
  •  as needed salt


  • Brush the oyster mushroom thoroughly clean and dry. 
  • Weigh exactly 1 kilogram and add 2% salt by weight, in the case 20 grams and place in a vacuum bag.
  • Dissolve the 5 grams of salt in the water and add to the oyster mushroom. 
  • Draw a complete vacuum and place in a dark place in the magazine. 
  • Let this lacto-ferment for 10 days. If the bag inflates due to gas formation, puncture it and re-evacuate. 
  • After the 10 days, put the oyster mushrooms in the refrigerator to ripen for at least another 2 weeks. 
  • Now sweat the lemongrass, onion, garlic and thyme with the sunflower oil. 
  • Meanwhile, sieve the oyster mushroom and the liquid. 
  • First add the oyster mushrooms to the pan to sweat for 10 minutes. 
  • Then deglaze with the fermentation liquid and reduce by half. 
  • Add the milk and cream and gently bring to the boil. 
  • Now let it infuse off the heat for 20 minutes. 
  • Pass through a sieve and press all the flavor out of the oyster mushrooms. 
  • Place in a thermo blender together with the Zorri Cress and turn on full power for 1 minutes to a nice, green herbal foam. 
  • Pass through a fine sieve and cool immediately. 
  • Keep this way in the refrigerator. 
  • Heat the sauce à la minute and add some egg yolk (or lecithin) to stabilize the sauce. 
  • Use a hand blender to mix well and season the sauce. 
  • Then froth the sauce with the hand blender until light and airy and serve immediately.

Serving suggestions

  • Delicious in combination with components of cucumber, sea bass and caviar. 
  • Perfect with quail, tomato and garlic. 
  • Combines well with lentil, eggplant and almond components.

Link to component

Recipe: Gastronomixs

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