Braised Jerusalem artichokes, salsify and celeriac
(For 4 portions)
- 1 punnet Zorri Cress
- 1 punnet Kyona Mustard Cress
- 250g peeled salsify
- 300g Jerusalem artichokes
- 1 smaal celeriac
- 500ml vegetable stock
- 60g unsalted butter
- 4 tsp white truffle balsamic vinegar
- 1 pinch of fine sea salt
- 1 pinch of white ground pepper
- Brush and clean the Jerusalem artichokes and peel the celeriac.
- Make 2 thick slices out of the celeriac and cut the rest into small cubes.
- Cut half of the artichokes into wedges and cut the rest into slices to add to the celeriac cubes.
- Make a puree with 250ml of vegetable stock, the celeriac cubes, the slices artichokes and 20g of butter.
- Pass the puree through a sieve, season to taste and reserve.
- Cook and braise the salsify with 20g of butter and 100ml of vegetable stock.
- Cook and braise the wedges of Jerusalem artichoke with 20g of butter and 100ml of vegetable stock.
- Cook and braise the two slices of celeriac with the rest of the butter and stock and cut out 2 regular strip or "baton” out of the slices.
- To dress the dish, cover the bottom of each plate with a fine layer of puree.
- Divide the salsify into 4 portions and place a pile (off centre) in each plate.
- Place the strip of cooked celeriac besides the salsify and add the artichoke wedges on top of it with a few leaves of Zorri Cress.
- Add a drizzle of white truffle balsamic vinegar on the salsify and arrange a few leaves of Kyona Mustard Cress.
- Serve.
Recipe: Franck Pontais

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