BBQ Duck Breast

Ingredients and method


  • 1 tame duck breast
  • 1 bunch of spring onion
  • 1 red grapefruit
  • 1 nori dish
  • 4 Sansho Leaves
  • 1 bunch of Enoki
  • 1 dl Tahoon Cress oil
  • Hoisin sauce
  • Mirin
  • 1 container Gangnam Tops
  • 8 Bean Blossom
  • 1/6th pomegranate
  • 1 chopped shallot
  • Shiso Purple Vinegar
  • Maldon salt


  • Grill the duck breast at 220 degrees in the Big Green Egg and let it rest
  • Grill the spring onion with some Tahoon Cress oil at 220 degrees
  • Sprinkle the red grapefruit segments with maldon salt
  • Using tweezers, briefly hold the cut nori sheets with tweezers above the grid the Big Green Egg
  • Heat the sliced shallots with Motti Cress in a pan with some oil
  • Add some mirin, let it caramelize, deglaze with Shiso Purple Vinegar and add hoisin sauce.
  • Pass the duck breast through the hoisin sauce and grill alternately


  • Dress the plate layer by layer with the spring onion, nori skin, carved duck breast, noki
  • Sauce over the enoki and around the dish
  • Add pomegranate apple, Sansho Leaves, Gangnam Tops, Bean Blossom and with maldon salt
  • Pour the hoisin sauce around it along with the Tahoon Cress oil

Recipe: Eric Miete 

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