Koppert Cress launches sustainability magazine: Cress Compass, Think, dare, be virtuous, act
Category: Sustainability
It is with great enthusiasm that Koppert Cress, together with its innovative sister Division Q, presents the first edition of its sustainability magazine ‘Cress Compass’.
Cress Compass
This magazine offers a unique opportunity to gain insight into the company's vision, approach and initiatives on sustainability ahead of the 2025 CSRD regulation. The magazine takes readers on an inspiring journey through Koppert Cress' Ikigai, based on a Japanese way of life the Ikigai serves as a compass and guide for its sustainability goals.
Transparency as a basis
This report focuses Environment, Social and Governance also known as ESG. From these, key themes have been identified to focus on. This magazine presents the vision, objectives and milestones within these three areas.
For Koppert Cress, sustainability means minimising negative impact and maximising positive contribution. From a regenerative perspective, it feels responsible for ecological restoration. While it is already ahead in this in some areas, such as environment, it sets ambitious targets for other key challenges.
Regenerative horticulture, E of Environment
When it comes to the environment (E of Environment), Koppert Cress has been working for many years to become more sustainable within greenhouse horticulture and improve its impact.Sustainability is so highly valued that a separate company has been set up for it:Division Q. The magazine explores and explains this in more detail through five key work packages that help achieve the goals in regenerative horticulture.These packages focus on efficiency in energy use, biodiversity and optimisation of our processes.

Working on trust, S of Social
On the social part (S of Social), the magazine highlights the social policy, with themes such as health, safety, internal training, work-life balance and diversity.This is at the heart of the policy to create an inclusive and supportive working environment.

Overarching Ikigai, G of Governance
In the part on Governance (G of Governance), the magazine explains the basis of connection, transparency and constant scrutiny of choices made.It strives to act responsibly at all levels, constantly asking the question, ‘Are we doing the right thing?’ This helps Koppert Cress stay true to its values and maximise impact.

Call for collaboration
This magazine offers a transparent view of the sustainability journey and invites dialogue and cooperation. With the aim of encouraging change, not to be perfect, but under the motto ‘Think, dare, be virtuous, act’. Join us and think about a new perspective on food, health and sustainability.

About Koppert Cress, and Division Q
Sustainability has always been a top priority at Koppert Cress. This is why the company has also set a number of ambitious sustainability targets. For example, it wants to be climate-positive by 2026, no longer use fossil fuels and only discharge clean water. Completely emission-free cultivation, in other words. Division Q was set up to carry out all sustainability projects at Koppert Cress. The company tests and validates sustainable technical innovations in practice. Only it doesn't stop there. Division Q will also be actively engaged in sharing these techniques and experiences to make an impact sector-wide - Division Q
This magazine was created with thanks to Green Food Lab and Printing Company van Deventer.
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